
Destiny Changers Music Band

Destiny Changers Music Band | Foundations - DC

The Invitation

Destiny Changers (DC) Musical Band is a non-denominational Christian musical organization dedicated to encouraging Christian arts and using music as a tool for social change.

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Destiny Changers (DC) Musical Band is a non-denominational Christian musical organization dedicated to encouraging Christian arts and using music as a tool for social change.

Founded in June 2011, the Destiny Changers Musical band was birthed to encourage quality praise and worship in the body of Christ in Cameroon and to also use the platform music provides to engage and enhance social development.

The Destiny Changers Musical Band has organized musical concerts at the end of every year since 2014, with some of these concerts (notably the street concerts) attracting over 2000 people in Limbe and its environs.

Besides the release of the group’s studio album dubbed The Unlimited in 2014 and a subsequent video album in 2015, the group has regularly visited orphanages to cater for the less privileged besides engaging in several musical concerts and public performances.

In 2018, the Destiny Changers’ Musical band released the song “Why?”, directly addressing the socio-political crisis plaguing the two English speaking regions of Cameroon. Singing over a subdued reggae beat, the band sounded a clarion call for brotherly love and dialogue to replace the war in lyrics like: “Wake up from your slumber, we can work it out together”.

The Destiny Changers’ musical band is currently in studio, putting finishing touches on their second studio album to be released soon.

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